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Support us

Our association Co&xister has been active in Switzerland since 2018, and in France since 2024.


We are an organization firmly established in the associative landscape, recognized as being of public utility in Switzerland and of general interest in France. We carry the vision of a respectful interspecies coexistence between humans and other animals, and our mission is to put this coexistence into practice.


We do this through a sanctuary, educational actions, support for retraining for breeders, as well as advocacy.


To date, our association has helped countless animals directly escape mistreatment and find homes, with us or in foster families. And our educational, support and advocacy actions aimed at humans allow for spectacular awareness raising and radical changes in the way we view animals of all species.


With both realism and ambition, we deploy our missions in order to reach as many people as possible. To carry them out successfully with a view to sustainability, we are counting on your support!

The donations you make to us are tax deductible in Switzerland and France, whether you are an individual or a company.


Donate to us by credit card

You can use the HelloAsso form to make a free donation on a secure platform. Monthly donations are particularly valuable to us.

Donate to us by bank transfer or Twint

You can also make a one-off or monthly donation by bank transfer:

​Banque Alternative Suisse - Lausanne
IBAN : CH15 0839 0035 4022 1000 4
Bank clearing/IID: 8390
QR-IID : 30123

For our Swiss donors, we are also on the Twint platform:

Association Coexister, Frenières-sur-Bex-Pour les génies publicitaires-blanc.png

Become a godfather or godmother

Does the story of one of the animals we welcome particularly touch you? Perhaps it resonates with your own story?


You can sponsor/godfather: becoming a godfather or godmother symbolizes a strong emotional commitment to the animal you have chosen, which translates concretely into a monthly financial commitment.


The monthly amount you pay does not need to cover all of your godchild's expenses: your contribution is to be defined according to your means from 20 CHF/€ per month or 240 CHF/€ per year.


To give you an idea, here are the monthly expenses that we are responsible for, and to which you will contribute at your level by becoming a godfather or godmother:

  • Young healthy bovine: 250 CHF / €

  • Adult healthy bovine: 350 CHF / €

  • Bovine with specific needs: 450 CHF / €

  • Pink pig: 300 CHF / €

  • Dwarf pig: 200 CHF / €

  • Sheep: 200 CHF / €

What is the difference between making a monthly donation and becoming a sponsor?

To mark the specific bond you have with the animal you sponsor, we set up:

  • a sponsorship certificate that we send you in paper form or by email

  • regular news from your godchild by email

  • two days per year dedicated to godparents during which you can come and meet your protégé at the sanctuary, in addition to public events to which you are obviously welcome.

​If you can't decide which animal to sponsor because they are all too adorable to choose, we suggest that you make a monthly donation, which will help us in the same way.


If you feel a calling towards a particular animal, sponsorship is the right formula for you, and you can set it up by going through our dedicated form, or by bank transfer, specifying the name of your godchild.

Banque Alternative Suisse - Lausanne
IBAN : CH15 0839 0035 4022 1000 4
Bank clearing/IID: 8390
QR-IID : 30123

If you wish, you can also annualize your sponsorship. We are at your disposal for any additional clarification, and you can write to us at the following address:

Leave us a legacy

Committing beyond one’s own life to a just world –

At Co&xister, we strongly believe that each of our lives has a meaning: not a predetermined meaning, but the one that we choose to give it, and that we build on a daily basis through the sum of our actions.

But what will be the meaning of our existence once we are gone? What trace will we leave behind us?


Legacy, beyond its material aspect, is a highly philosophical question. Reflecting on our legacy allows us to gain perspective on ourselves, and to inscribe ourselves in History on our scale: the History of a family, a place, a cause, or all of these at once.


If you are particularly sensitive to the animal cause, perhaps you want this to be reflected not only during your life, but also in the legacy that you will leave behind you, and that it will help animals in a concrete way?




For animals, and for the world you will leave behind, you can support our work by making a bequest to show your commitment to these essential causes.


You can create your will very easily from the template available here, taking into account the inheritance legislation in force. A handwritten and signed version of this will is legally valid.


We are at your disposal for any questions or personal requests, and you can write to us at the following address:


Will template

Become a partner company

Supporting Co&xister as a company is a philanthropic gesture, and it is also an opportunity to embody strong values ​​by actively participating in building interspecies coexistence.


Our partners benefit from positive visibility on their social and environmental responsibility. For our part, partnerships allow us to touch even more animal and human lives by helping us expand our missions, thanks to the significant financial contribution of the companies involved.


Whether you wish to financially support our association as a whole, or sponsor a specific project, we will be delighted to define the right formula with you: our partnerships are flexible and can take different forms, including the possibility of sponsoring one of the animals, and organizing a team building day at the sanctuary for your teams.

Please note: in the areas of food, cosmetics and clothing, we only develop partnerships with 100% vegan and cruelty-free companies.


In other areas (insurance, IT, communication, etc.) we are open to all proposals.

Contact us by email to discuss:

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